A Better Path for AI: The AI Stewardship Council

I have been researching about artificial intelligence and its impact on our society for the past two decades. Today, I’m going to address the recent statements made by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is calling for the government to establish rules on AI. Now, I understand that the growing popularity of AI programs like ChatGPT has caught the attention of our lawmakers, and rightly so. But I believe there’s a better way to regulate AI and ensure its positive impact on our society, rather than letting the government take the reins.

Instead of government regulation, I propose the creation of a civil governing committee, which we can call the AI Stewardship Council. This council would be composed of leaders, business people, and even clergy from our American community, who can provide diverse perspectives and unbiased guidance for the ethical development of AI technologies.

Now, you might be wondering why I’m against government regulation. Let’s take a look at the past. Government regulation has sometimes hindered innovation and been influenced by political agendas. A prime example is the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which was intended to promote competition but led to consolidation and reduced diversity in media ownership. The risk of similar outcomes in AI regulation is something we should avoid.

On the other hand, a stewardship council with unbiased members could benefit our society by ensuring the responsible development and deployment of AI. This council would collaborate with AI developers and users, ensuring transparency, ethical guidelines, and shared best practices. It would serve as a mediator between the government, private sector, and the public, allowing everyone’s voice to be heard and concerns to be addressed.

Moreover, the AI Stewardship Council would work to prevent the monopolization of AI technology by a few large corporations. By fostering a collaborative environment, the council could encourage smaller companies and startups to participate in the development and implementation of AI systems, resulting in a more diverse and competitive landscape.

Additionally, the council would prioritize the development of AI technologies that provide tangible benefits to society, such as improving healthcare, addressing poverty, social infrastructure, inclusivity, and fostering educational advancements. By focusing on these areas, the AI Stewardship Council would work to ensure that AI is used for the betterment of all, rather than just a select few.

Now, let me paint a picture of how this council might work. The AI Stewardship Council would be composed of experts from various fields, including technology, ethics, law, and social sciences, as well as representatives from different sectors of society such as clergy. This diverse group would meet regularly to discuss and evaluate AI developments, assessing their ethical implications, and proposing guidelines to ensure responsible innovation.

To maintain transparency and public trust, the council would publish regular reports on their findings, recommendations, and any proposed regulations. This would allow the general public to be informed and involved in the decision-making process surrounding AI technologies, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and accountability.

While government regulation may seem like a quick solution to the rapid growth of AI technologies like ChatGPT, we should consider the long-term implications of such an approach. By creating an AI Stewardship Council, we can foster a more collaborative, transparent, and ethical approach to AI development and use, ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are shared by all members of our society.

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