Mastering the Art of AI in Business and Life.

Expertly blending AI solutions with human expertise to engage and expand your customer base.


AI Chatbot Solutions We Can Help You With

Lead Generation

Capture and qualify leads automatically, providing your sales team with high-quality prospects and increasing conversion rates.

Customer Support

Offer 24/7 customer service, answering FAQs, resolving issues, and improving customer satisfaction without additional staff.


Guide customers through the buying process, offer personalized recommendations, and increase sales with automated shopping assistance.


Automate appointment bookings, reminders, and cancellations, ensuring a seamless experience for your clients and reducing no-shows.


Assist with appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and providing health information, improving patient care and operational efficiency.


Improve course delivery by automating student interactions, answering questions, and providing valuable resources.


Streamline the onboarding process for new employees or customers, providing necessary information and answering questions.

Survey & Feedback

Collect valuable customer feedback and insights through engaging conversations, helping you improve your products and services.

We Onboard Your Teams to AI & Provide Tools To Educate & Get Ahead.

One-on-one / AI Consulting

Business AI Audit & Road Maps

AI Chatbot Setup & Customization

Custom & Creative AI Workflows

Sign Up for the AI Art Clinic

We teach you how to use AI and your imagination together to create a masterpiece.

Did you buy the “Complete Guide To AI Art”? If you did thank you, and I hope that you enjoyed learning the concepts of AI art and the many applications you may consider for positive social impact. If you have not purchased the guide, consider grabbing a copy so you can join along in our AI Art Clinic which is included with a book purchase. Our AI Art Clinics are live virtual hands on learning events and are every month. Click the button below to get on the waiting list for the next AI Art Clinic.

This book is truly a passion project for me. As someone who has worked in the technology and AI research field since 2007, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand how these tools can bring out the best in people.

Those we teach in education, healthcare, prison systems and more, AI has been a game-changer. Through our clinics, we have seen how AI tools can help us recognize our strengths and support us in achieving our personal and professional goals.

But this book is more than just a collection of technical information. It’s a reflection of my deep belief in the power of technology to create a better world. I am passionate about using AI to empower marginalized communities, from prisoners to people in nursing homes, to access new opportunities and reach their full potential.

So if you’re reading this book, I want you to know that my hope is that it inspires and encourages you, just as AI has done for the people and the business’s we have been helped. Together, we can use the power of technology to build a more inclusive world for all.


What Clients Are Saying

“Our agency’s creative potential soared after the AI training session, making us more innovative than ever. We got together over a Saturday and have all the tools we need to stay ahead of the curve.”

David Johnson

“The AI Art Clinic for children in the classroom provided an engaging virtual field trip that our students absolutely loved. This was the first one and now the district signed up to teach everyone.”

Jessica Boyd

“Erin tailor-made an AI model based on our unique needs and parameters for our customer service department and already it has significantly improved our response times and customer satisfaction rates.”

Sarah M. Hogan

“The AI Art class for our organization that helps people on the spectrum was transformative, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for self-expression. We have already scheduled another session and expand sessions to other chapters.”

Neil Jacobs

Interested? Let’s Chat! Schedule a Free Discovery Call Today.

AI can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s explore how our chatbots can transform your business. We’re here to help!